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Thurston County, Washington

The content on the Thurston County website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Translation” for approximately 10 languages. The goal of the translation is to provide visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. The translations do not translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology.


​The Auditor’s Financial Services team produces financial reports. The reports provide an update on county finances and assets. Use the tabs below to view county financial reports produced by our Financial Services team.

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report provides a complete look at county finances. Each Annual Report covers a fiscal year (January 1 through December 31). Thurston County is one of only a few counties in Washington that goes beyond the requirements of the Washington State Auditor's Office to produce an Annual Report instead of a basic Annual Financial Report.

We take pride in making county finances open and transparent. As a result, we submit the Annual Report to the Government Finance Officers Association for review. The Auditor's Financial Services team has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for 15 consecutive years for the high quality of its Annual Report.

2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

2020 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2012 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2008 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2005 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2004 Annual Financial Report

2003 Annual Financial Report

2002 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2001 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

2000 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

The Capitalized Asset Report provides a list of all the capitalized assets acquired across county departments and offices. Capitalized assets are held or used over a number of years, like land; buildings; improvements other than buildings; machinery and equipment; infrastructure; and intangible assets. The County capitalizes all assets except machinery and equipment costing less than $10,000. State law requires counties to produce this report every year.

2023 Capital Assets

2022 Capital Assets

2021 Capital Assets

2020 Capital Assets

2019 Capital Assets

2018 Capital Assets

2017 Capital Assets

2016 Capital Assets

2015 Capital Assets

​The Indirect Cost Report provides information on the unbilled cost of General Fund support services to other County Funds, such as the accounting services provided by the Auditor’s Financial Services team to other county agencies. The report also provides information on the unbilled costs for state and federal grants.

2024 Cost Plan

2023 Cost Plan

2022 Cost Plan

2021 Cost Plan

2020 Cost Plan

2019 Cost Plan

2018 Cost Plan

2017 Cost Plan

2016 Cost Plan

2015 Cost Plan

2014 Cost Plan

2013 Cost Plan