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Thurston County, Washington

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Community Planning and Economic Development

Indian-Moxlie Creek Drainage Basin Plan

Indian/Moxlie Creek Comprehensive Drainage Basin Plan, May 1993, adopted by the City of Olympia and Thurston County.


Note: The basin plan on this Web page has been divided into several PDFs to make it easier for viewers to find information.  Although the PDFs are generally about 25-35 pages long, they still take time to load because the PDFs were created by scanning a paper-version of the document (as opposed to simply converting a Word document to a PDF).

Instead of waiting to view the files through this web site, a better choice is to right-click the underlined hyperlink and then "save target" (ie., save the file) to your own computer and open it from there. Use the magnifying glass in Adobe to zoom in.

Section 1 (PDF)

  • Acknowledgements
  • Table of Contents
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
  • Chapter 2 Goals and Objectives
  • Chapter 3 Authority of the Basin Plan
  • Chapter 4 Basin Characterization

Section 2 (PDF)

  • Chapter 5 Indian and Moxlie Creek Systems
  • Chapter 6 Basin Problem Analysis

Section 3 (PDF)

  • Chapter 7 Management Alternatives
  • Chapter 8 Evaluation of Alternatives

Section 4 Chapter 9 Preferred Alternative and Recommendations (PDF)

Section 5 (PDF)

  • Chapter 10 Optimal Alternative and Recommendations
  • Chapter 11 Nonstructural Surface Water Management Program

Section 6 (PDF)

  • Chapter 12:  Implementation Costs
  • Chapter 13: Funding Alternatives
  • Chapter 14: Implementation Strategy
  • Selected References

Section 7 Appendix 1 Maps (PDF)

  • Map 1 Indian/Moxlie Basin Vicinity Map
  • Map 2 Indian/Moxlie Basin
  • Map 3 Indian/Moxlie Sub-Basins
  • Map 4 Indian/Moxlie Land Use

Section 8 continues the Appendix 1 Maps (PDF)

  • Map 5: Indian/Moxlie Sensitive Areas
  • Map 6: Indian/Moxlie Zoning
  • Map 7: Indian/Moxlie Storm System
  • Map 8: Indian/Moxlie Water Quality Monitoring Sites
  • Map 9: Indian/Moxlie Habitat/Flooding Characteristics

Section 9 Appendix 2 tables

  • Table A-1: Drainage Area Characteristics
  • Table A-2: Wetland Characteristics
  • Table A-3: Upland Depressions (Potholes)
  • Table A-4: Instream Culverts and Pipes
  • Table A-5: Potential Effects of Urban Runoff on Stream Systems
  • Table A-6: Predevelopment Peak Flood Flows
  • Table A-7: Existing Peak Flood Flows
  • Table A-8: Full Development Peak Flood Flows
  • Table A-9: Salmon Biological and Habitat Requirements
  • Table A-10: Salmon Environmental Parameters
  • Table A-11: Common Water Quality Contaminants
  • Table A-12: Flood Flow Impoundment by Culverts for 2- and 100-Year Storm Events
  • Table A-13: Alternative II - Basin-Specific Projects and Potential Funding Sources
  • Table A-14: Alternative III - Basin-Specific Projects and Potential Funding Sources
  • Table A-15: Implications of Stormwater Utility Rate Changes
  • Table A-16: Grand and Loan Programs
  • Table A-17: Potential Revenue Sources

Appendix 3 List of Detention Facilities in Indian/Moxlie Basins

Appendix 4 EPA SWMM Computer Modeling Description

Appendix 5 Water Quality Monitoring Results

  • Ambient Monitoring
  • Nutrient Concentrations
  • Summary of Indian/Moxlie Sediment Analysis -- Organic Compounds
  • Results of Sediment Analysis
  • Summary of Indian/Moxlie Sediment Analysis -- Metals
  • Bigelow Lake Water Quality Sampling from Oct. 29, 1992
  • Bigelow Lake Profiles

Appendix 6 Water Resource Regulations

  • Water Resource Regulations, Guidelines and Management Options
  • Nonregulatory Management Options

Section 10 (PDF)

  • Appendix 7 Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring Plan
  • Appendix 8 Public Involvement and Education Documents
  • Appendix 9 Glossary of Technical Terms
  • Appendix 10 Open Space/Cluster Development
  • Appendix 11 Pothole Management
  • Appendix 12 Determination of Nonsignificance
  • Appendix 13 Letters of Concurrence