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Thurston County, Washington

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PIT 2023 infographic

2023 Point-in-Time Homeless Census Preliminary Data Released

CONTACT:    Renae Miller, Public Information Specialist, Thurston County Public Health and Social Services, (360) 463-0362 or

OLYMPIA - Thurston County Public Health and Social Services has released preliminary data for the 2023 Point-in-Time (PIT) Homeless Census. This preliminary data accounts for the number of Thurston County residents experiencing unsheltered homelessness, staying in shelters, or utilizing transitional housing programs. 

This year, the PIT counted 792 people experiencing homelessness in Thurston County. The PIT was conducted on January 26, 2023. On the night of Thursday, January 26, 50 people were staying in transitional housing, and 274 people in emergency shelter. More than half of people counted were experiencing unsheltered homelessness. 425 people were staying in sanctioned or unsanctioned encampments, RVs or other vehicles, small structures, doorways, and/or were in other places not meant for human habitation. 

Contrasting the 2023 PIT preliminary data to 2022, there appears to be a slight increase in the unsheltered population. However, the 2022 PIT count was based on an abbreviated survey, and no events were conducted. This year, an extended survey was used, and many households declined to participate. This year eight events were held focusing on different sub-populations: seniors, adults, youths, and young adults. Survival gear was distributed such as: tarps, winter gloves, Hot Hands hand warmers, jackets, and socks. The events offered attendees connection to services and provided access to hot food, haircuts, laundry, and veterinary care. 

Data presented in the preliminary report for people living in shelters and transitional housing programs were reported via the county’s Homeless Management Information System. All data gathered from the 2023 PIT count will be cross-checked by Department of Commerce staff to account for any duplications or ineligible surveys. Final 2023 PIT Count data will be provided by the Department of Commerce and reflected in a final comprehensive report. It is anticipated that Commerce will finalize the data in May 2023.

A successful PIT count is dependent on volunteers and county partners to plan, implement, and gather as many surveys as possible. This year, United Way of Thurston County provided volunteer recruitment efforts to ensure all events and survey efforts were well staffed. This year, there were more than 60 volunteers who staffed event tables, sorted donations, gathered surveys, delivered equipment, and picked up supplies for the PIT count. If you have additional questions about this year’s PIT count, please contact Keylee Marineau, Homeless Response Program Manager, at (360) 490-5910 or


Public Health and Social Services
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Questions and inquiries regarding News Release content should be directed to the Thurston County Public Information Officer:  

Meghan Porter


Anna Rhoads
