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Thurston County, Washington

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Mary Hall, Thurston County Auditor


711 Washington Relay

Auditor’s Office Seeks Artists to Participate in Good Citizenship Art Contest

OLYMPIA – The Thurston County Auditor’s Office is seeking artists to participate in a Good Citizenship Art Contest to design a new “I Voted” sticker for Thurston County. The winning design will be picked by the Auditor before the August 2023 Primary Election. The new “I Voted” stickers may be distributed in Thurston County ballot packets. 

There are a few rules: 

  • We’re interested in your civic spirit! Thurston County Elections is non-partisan. NO Politics! 
  • Who can enter? Anyone living in Thurston County. 
  • What can be entered? Your design must incorporate Thurston County and it must include the phrase “I Voted”. You may use any medium you wish so long as it can become a sticker. Designs must be circular or fit into a 4” circle. Digital entries must be at least 300 dpi. Please format them as .jpg or .png. If you create a painting, send us a high-resolution image of the painting, not the painting itself.  
  • When? Entries are due by 4:30 p.m. on March 21, 2023 April 14, 2023.
  • Where? You may submit your work via email to and use the subject line:  “TCGC Art Contest.” If you need assistance, let us know! 
  • How do I enter? Submit your name and preferred contact information with your email submission. 
  • Artwork becomes the property of the Auditor’s Office and may be used in any way without compensation.

Questions? Contact the Elections Division at 360.786.5408, or visit 


Press Release

Questions and inquiries regarding News Release content should be directed to the Thurston County Public Information Officer:  

Meghan Porter


Anna Rhoads
