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Thurston County, Washington

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Board of Commissioners Adopt Ordinance Expanding Board of Health


Bryan Dominique, Public Information Officer, at or (360) 463-3437

​OLYMPIA – The Thurston County Board of Commissioners (BoCC) voted unanimously to expand the Board of Health (BoH) from three members to eight members during their regularly scheduled meeting Tuesday, April 19, 2022. The expansion of the Board of Health was adopted to comply with the new law enacted by House Bill 1152, which calls for the establishment of  comprehensive public health districts across the state.

The expanded board will consist of a total of eight members, including the three members of the Board of County Commissioners, an elected city official, a tribal representative, a healthcare professional, a member representing consumers of public health, and a member representing community stakeholders.

This expansion allows for a community-based approach in setting public health policy. The BoCC believes the expanded BoH will increase community representation to help address public health disparities in Thurston County.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the importance of maintaining strong public health policies. The expansion of the Board of Health will give our community broader representation where public health is concerned," said Board of Health Chair, Tye Menser. "In addition to adding city and tribal elected leaders, the ordinance adds three non-elected members to represent public health, consumers of public health, and community stakeholders."

The county will be working diligently to start the recruitment process for the new members of the BoH, as this law requires the newly formed BoH be in place by July 2022. 

If you're interested in learning more about the expansion, please call Bryan Dominique at (360) 463-3437.


Board of County Commissioners
Press Release