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Thurston County, Washington

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Board of County Commissioners to Hold Three Week Summer Recess

OLYMPIA – The Thurston County Board of County Commissioners will enact a summer recess and no board briefings or regular meetings will occur from Monday, June 26 through Friday, July 14, 2023.

The Board of County Commssioners (BoCC) approved the 2023 schedule in January. “This is an attempt to be proactive on the summer vacations of the board and staff and to streamline the business of the BoCC during the summer months” said County Manager, Ramiro Chavez.

Board Chair, Carolina Mejia said, “This is our first time holding a summer recess. We want to take what we learn from this recess and, as the board expands, potentially make this an annual event so we can coordinate schedules as a board.” Mejia added, “Business will continue, we just won’t be holding meetings with a quorum of the board.”

For more information, please contact Jamie Caldwell, Clerk of the Board, at To view the Board’s meeting schedule and agendas, please visit:



Board of County Commissioners

Questions and inquiries regarding News Release content should be directed to the Thurston County Public Information Officer:  

Meghan Porter


Anna Rhoads
