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Thurston County, Washington

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Meghan Porter, Public Information Supervisor, 360-490-0562 or email at 


Commissioners Vote to Postpone April 28 Courthouse Ballot Proposition

The commissioners will reassess when to vote to put it back on the ballot at a later date


OLYMPIA – Due to the current health emergency, this morning, the Thurston County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to rescind the ballot measure to increase the county's 2021 regular property tax levy to fund a new courthouse and administrative buildings. The vote was expected to occur during the April 28, 2020 election. The commissioners will reassess the ballot measure and when to hold the election after this health emergency subsides.

"Our vote to rescind the ballot proposition is directly in response to the current health emergency we are facing," said Commission Chair, John Hutchings. "This is a non-essential election and we do not want to put our staff or the public in danger by having to submit ballots, vote in-person, or count ballots. This is the most responsible thing for our board to do and is the best thing we can do to support the health and safety of our community"

For more information about the project, please visit the Courthouse and Regional Administrative Buildings Project page



​Questions and inquiries regarding News Release content should be directed to the Thurston County Public Information Supervisor:

Meghan Porter


Board of County Commissioners
Press Release