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Thurston County, Washington

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​Andrew Deffobis, Associate Planner-Community Planning , (360) 786-5467 or  

OLYMPIA – Landowners who want their land to remain undeveloped, but still want the financial benefits of selling their property, have more time to apply for Conservation Futures funding from the county. Conservation Futures is a land preservation program that allows landowners to sell their property, or future development rights, to a qualified conservation organization. 

The deadline to apply for Conservation Futures funding for 2021 is Friday, April 30 at 5 p.m. The initial application period ended on Monday, March 1. Interested landowners can find more information and download the application on the county’s Conservation Futures webpage

To be eligible, a property must have unique or valuable wildlife habitat, agricultural, forestry, historic, or recreational features. Applications must be sponsored by an eligible organization such as a land trust or city government.

How to Apply:

Complete the application and submit:

  • Submit via email: 
  • Submit in person: Board of County Commissioners Office, Building 1, 2nd Floor, Room 269, of the Thurston County Courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Dr SW in Olympia 
  • Submit via mail: Thurston County, ATTN: Andrew Deffobis, CPED, 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW, Olympia, WA 98502 

The Thurston County Board of Commissioners approved 2021 funding for the Conservation Futures program and included new ranking criteria to aid in salmon recovery across the region.  

The program is made possible by a Conservation Futures tax levy first authorized by the legislature statewide in 1971. Thurston County began collecting the tax levy in 1989 and uses these funds to make conservation purchases, resulting in more than 5,400 acres of preserved farmland, historic sites, recreational opportunities, and wildlife habitat. 


Board of County Commissioners
Press Release