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Thurston County, Washington

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The Thurston County Board of Health is pleased to announce the expansion of its board with the addition of three distinguished community members: Heidi Knadel, Perla Newton, and Tanzania Zenzali-Marshall.

Knadel brings a wealth of experience in public mental health showcasing her commitment to community well-being, with a special focus on children, families, and underserved populations.  Knadel is interested in collaborating on behavioral health challenges and their indicators. Newton, with more than 10 years of expertise as an emergency medical nurse, has demonstrated outstanding leadership in various community initiatives. Newton believes her lens of identifying with historically marginalized and underrepresented communities will help bring voices to the table that normally do not have one. Zenzali-Marshall is a United States Army Veteran, who has a passion for policy implementation and ensuring public health practices and education are grounded in science and evidence-based methods. She is currently working as the Program Manager of the Public Health Equity Department at Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle. Zenzali-Marshall is excited to create and contribute to local health initiatives through policy and research that will add value and betterment to the greater community.

The Board of Health is excited to welcome these community leaders who have dedicated their careers to the betterment of Thurston County. Their diverse backgrounds and expertise will undoubtedly enhance the board’s ability to address and navigate the unique health challenges our community faces.

The formal introduction of board members Knadel, Newton, and Zenzali-Marshall will take place during the regularly scheduled Board of Health meeting, Tuesday, January 9, 2024, beginning at 3:45 pm at the Atrium Board Room 110, located at 3000 Pacific Ave SE, Olympia WA, 98501. Watch the swearing-in ceremony of these individuals live on YouTube @ThurstonCountyWashington.

The Board of Health extends its gratitude to these new members for their willingness to serve and looks forward to their valuable contributions in advancing the health and well-being of our community.


Public Health and Social Services
Press Release

Questions and inquiries regarding News Release content should be directed to the Thurston County Public Information Officer:  

Meghan Porter


Anna Rhoads
