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Thurston County, Washington

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Jack Mongin, elections rising star of the year

Mary Hall, Thurston County Auditor
711 Washington Relay 

OLYMPIA – Jack Mongin, Thurston County Election Technician, was awarded the 2023 “Rising Star of the Year” by the Washington Secretary of State. 

“Jack’s can-do attitude is an inspiration to everyone around him,” said Mary Hall, Thurston County Auditor. “He’s not just a leader in our office; he helps other counties with questions about tabulation, ballot processing, and procedures. He’s not only kind but also resourceful and knowledgeable.” 

“Jack is an amazing leader in our state, laser focused on process improvement and relentlessly calm under pressure,” said Steve Hobbs, Washington Secretary of State.  

Mongin works in the Auditor’s Ballot Processing Center, where every voted ballot in Thurston County is signature-checked, inspected, and tabulated. He was also part of the Thurston County team that assisted Walla Walla County with a recount earlier this year. 

Mongin contributed to the expansion of Thurston County’s nationally recognized election observer program. “Transparency in how your ballot is counted is a cornerstone of trust in elections,” Hall said. “We knew revamping our election observer program would be a heavy lift for our already busy elections team, but Jack never wavered in his commitment to find solutions and make the new process work.” 


Auditor, Elections
Press Release