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Thurston County, Washington

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Keylee Marineau, Homeless and Affordable Housing Coordinator, (360) 490-5910, or email: 

OLYMPIA – In response to 80 – 100 Deschutes Parkway camp residents being displaced by the City of Olympia on December 8, 2021, Thurston County provided funding to extend hotel stays for displaced campers for up to two months, or until exit strategies can be implemented. 

This decision was in direct response to there currently not being an identified exit strategy for those who are staying in hotels. This extension provides extra time to identify reasonable exit strategies to prevent releasing hotel guests back to homelessness during the cold weather season.

“This action is made possible by some very specific sheltering and housing opportunities occurring within the Homeless Crisis Response System simultaneously,” stated Keylee Marineau, Affordable Housing and Homeless Prevention Coordinator, “coupled with extra funding offered by the Department of Commerce specifically to address the sweep of the Deschutes encampment."

In partnership with Olympia Mutual Aid Partners (OlyMAP) and the City of Olympia, Thurston County will support displaced campers by providing hotel stays while efforts are made to move residents into shelters and other housing programs. OlyMAP staff have 

A tiered approach, OlyMAP and non-profit partners will offer such services as:

  • Coordinated Entry enrollment
  • Outreach and individualized engagement
  • Advocacy and case management
  • Placing hotel guests in shelter and housing projects as they become available

On January 11, the Thurston County Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to move forward with the proposed hotel lease extension.

For more information about homelessness in Thurston County, Click Here

Board of County Commissioners
Press Release