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Thurston County, Washington

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Thurston County to Invest in Public Safety with Potential Purchase of New Sheriff’s Office Facility

CONTACT:  Rick Thomas, Capitol Projects Planning Manager,

OLYMPIA – Thurston County is taking a significant step towards enhancing public safety services and future expansion with the potential purchase of a building at 1111 Israel Road SW, Tumwater, WA. This opportunity, outlined in a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with 1111 Israel Road, LLC, will enable the Sheriff’s Office to consolidate all operational units under one roof, fostering greater efficiency, collaboration, and community service.

The proposed property purchase, valued at $14,250,000, represents a forward-looking investment in the county’s future. With the rapid growth of Thurston County, the need for a centralized location to support current operations and future expansion of law enforcement services is more important than ever.

“This potential acquisition represents a significant investment in our community’s safety and well-being,” said Tye Menser, Chair of the Board. “Thanks to the community’s support of the Public Safety Tax, which accentuates our collective dedication to enhancing public safety resources.”

Vice-Chair, Wayne Fournier stated, “Owning the building allows the county to plan for the future needs of the Sheriff's Office and make necessary improvements without the constraints of a lease agreement. This purchase is a large step in addressing the county’s growing facility needs.”

“While I’ve worked here, for nearly a decade, the Sheriff's Office has run split operations,” says Sheriff Derek Sanders, “by consolidating our operations under one roof, we can create a more cohesive and responsive law enforcement agency. This will benefit both our deputies and the community we serve.”

The Board of County Commissioners approved the Purchase and Sale Agreement on September 17, 2024, authorizing a $500,000 deposit.  This will initiate a 105-day inspection period, allowing the county to fully evaluate the property. During this time, the county will conduct extensive research and property inspections to ensure it meets the community’s needs. If the purchase moves forward, the deposit will be applied to the total purchase price. If the county chooses not to proceed, the deposit will be fully refunded.


Community Planning and Economic Development, Sheriff
Press Release
Announcements, Construction