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Thurston County, Washington

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Thurston County Manager Ramiro Chavez Resigns, Effective October 5

OLYMPIA – On August 29, Thurston County Manager, Ramiro Chavez submitted his letter of resignation to the Board of County Commissioners, effective October 5. Chavez’s last day serving as the County Manager will be Wednesday, October 4. Chavez has accepted a conditional offer with the City of Tacoma as their Public Works Director. Confirmation by the Tacoma City Council is scheduled for September 12, 2023. 

“Being a part of this exceptional team has been a truly remarkable experience, and I am honored to have served as Thurston County Manager. I extend my utmost gratitude to the Board of County Commissioners and the entire staff for their support,” said Chavez. He added, “I am confident I have exerted my utmost effort to serve the community to the best of my abilities”

In a two to one vote, the Board of County Commissioners selected Assistant County Manager, Robin Campbell to serve as the Interim County Manager while they move through the hiring process.

Commissioner Gary Edwards said about his ‘no’ vote, “I nominated Rob Gelder because he is a new, fresh face at the county.” He added, “I believe he would have provided an opportunity for a clean slate and is a well-qualified individual for the interim county manager position, as he is currently serving as one of the assistant county managers.” 

“Speaking for the board, I want to thank Ramiro for his years of service at Thurston County and his leadership in this role,” said Chair of the Board, Carolina Mejia. “We wish him the best of luck in this new chapter.” 



Board of County Commissioners
Press Release

Questions and inquiries regarding News Release content should be directed to the Thurston County Public Information Officer:  

Meghan Porter


Anna Rhoads
