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Thurston County, Washington

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Meghan Porter, Public Information Supervisor, 360-490-0562 or email

OLYMPIA – On Wednesday, December 1, 2021, the county manager received and accepted the resignation of Schelli Slaughter, Director of Thurston County’s Public Health and Social Services (PHSS) Department. Slaughter’s last day with the county will be January 3, 2022. 

County Manager, Ramiro Chavez said, “I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to Schelli for her leadership in managing this pandemic and a very complex department. My appreciation for what she has done is beyond description, but most of all the residents of Thurston County have benefited from her leadership, commitment, and dedication to public service.”

Chavez added, “The loss of Schelli’s leadership and management will be an impact to our department but we are working on plans to help mitigate that impact on our staff and residents.”

The county is working on a transition plan to include Kurt Hardin, Emergency Services Director, serving as the interim PHSS Director. 

The county will begin a national search for the new director with the intent to fill the position in early 2022. 


Board of County Commissioners
Press Release