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Thurston County, Washington

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snow plows are ready for the winter

Road Crews Gear Up for Winter

As the winter season approaches, Thurston County Public Works is gearing up to ensure the safety and mobility of county residents while maintaining access to essential services. With a commitment to preparedness, we're taking several vital steps to minimize the impact of winter storms on our community.

Before the first snowflake falls, our teams conduct a comprehensive review of the winter operations plan. This plan includes a thorough inventory check of essential supplies such as sand and anti-icing materials. Maintaining top-notch equipment is crucial for efficient winter operations. From snowplows to sanders, all our machinery undergoes inspection and maintenance procedures to guarantee optimal performance during the winter season. Our goal is to have every piece of equipment in top condition when needed most. 

Preparedness is not just about equipment but also about the people behind it. Our crews participate in training covering equipment operation and emergency response protocols. We believe in being proactive; this training ensures that our team is well-prepared to handle any situation.

Staying ahead of winter storms is important to our strategy. Our teams actively monitor multiple weather systems to track storms and conditions in real-time. This allows us to deploy resources where they are most needed, ensuring a rapid and effective response.

Keeping our residents informed is a top priority. We use various public communication channels, including social media and our website, to inform residents about our progress and potential road closures or hazards.

While we strive to clear all roads as quickly as possible, we recognize the need for a tiered system. This system prioritizes main arterial roads, emergency routes, and high-traffic areas. Focusing our efforts on these critical routes ensures that essential services and emergency vehicles can navigate safely even during adverse weather conditions.

As winter approaches, we invite all Thurston County residents to stay tuned for real-time updates and information. You can find the Travel Impacts page with an interactive map at To report an issue such as a fallen tree or dangerous debris, complete the service request on our Online Service Request web page here:

With your support and our dedication to preparedness, Thurston County can weather the winter storms. Stay safe, and let's tackle this winter season together.

Public Works
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