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Thurston County, Washington

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Thurston County Resource Hub Celebrates 1,000 Visitors

CONTACT:    Nate Block, Resource Hub Program Manager at 

OLYMPIA – Just over a year after its opening, the Thurston County Resource Hub is celebrating serving its one-thousandth visitor! 

The Resource Hub (Hub) is the product of more than a year of work and collaboration between the Thurston County Board of County Commissioners, Pretrial Services, Public Defense, the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, District and Superior Courts, and Public Health and Social Services. The Hub opened as a drop-in center in June 2022 with the intent to serve community members who are justice-impacted. By quickly connecting people to resources, the Hub seeks to reduce repeat involvement in the justice system for individuals with behavioral health needs, and support the safety, health, and wellbeing of all Thurston County residents.

Trying to navigate the system can be a barrier to success for many. The Hub helps by directly connecting people to services they may need. Community members can drop-in or call the Hub to be connected to the following services:

  • Behavioral Health
  • Employment and/or Education
  • Housing
  • Public Benefits
  • Legal Support
  • Telehealth treatment for substance use disorders
  • The Hub also offers a small clothing and food bank

“The most important function of the Hub is that the services and direction offered here are effective and meet the needs of any community member. When people come into the Hub, I tell them they are in the right place, and we ensure they leave with a plan," said Nate Block, the Resource Hub Program Manager. 

The quick growth of the Resource Hub is a testament to its success, with some months seeing double the number of visits from the previous month. In the future, the county and partners hope to add additional partners and staff, and increase space to continue expanding services. 

Commissioner Tye Menser added, “Reentry services are vital to an effective and equitable justice system. I have been a huge advocate for our county’s Resource Hub as a common-sense way to help folks get their lives back on track and reduce burdens and costs to our courts and law enforcement agencies. I am pleased with the initial growth and development of the Hub, and I intend to help it grow even bigger and better in the future.”

You can learn more about the Resource Hub, and see partners and schedule at: 


Press Release

Questions and inquiries regarding News Release content should be directed to the Thurston County Public Information Officer:  

Meghan Porter


Anna Rhoads
