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Thurston County, Washington

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FY24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program—Local Solicitation


TCSO Grant Application Summary


The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) is submitting an application for the FY24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program—Local Solicitation, seeking $19,532.09 for two additional Grappler Police Bumper pursuit immobilization systems.  The Grappler is a bumper-mounted net system that allows law enforcement to approach a fleeing vehicle at both slow and high speeds and deploy a net system that attaches to the rear tire.  The system assists in mitigating risks to the public in pursuit-related events by preventing unnecessary injury, property damage, or loss of life by stopping high-speed pursuits.  This technology will play a pivotal role in shaping our agency’s policy and use of force continuum, resulting in the safest possible outcome for deputies, suspects, and the public.


Public Comment

The opportunity to provide public comment is open from Wednesday, October 16 through end of day Friday, October 25.  Public comment may be emailed to