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Thurston County, Washington

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Magen Johnson, Public Information Specialist – Public Health & Social Services, (360) 968-3422 or 

​OLYMPIA – Thurston County Public Health and Social Services is reporting a toxic algae bloom at Lake Lawrence. Lab results show toxin levels of microcystin at the sample site are 15 ug/L. The state advisory level for microcystin is 8.0 ug/L. Microcystin is a liver toxin and possible human carcinogen.

Microcystin can also cause illness in livestock and pets that drink affected water. Staff will collect samples weekly until the algae bloom clears. Warning signs are posted at the boat launch and other locations around the lake.

When an algae bloom is present, health officials recommend taking extra precautions to avoid the health risks posed by potential toxins.

  • Do not drink the lake water
  • Avoid contact with water containing algae
  • Avoid swimming, wading, wind surfing, and water-skiing in waterbodies where algae blooms are present
  • Keep pets and livestock away from where algae blooms are present
  • Do not eat fish that come from the lake during an algae bloom
  • Avoid areas of scum when boating 

For more information about toxic algae blooms and health risks, visit:


Board of County Commissioners
Press Release