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Thurston County, Washington

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OLYMPIA –Thurston County Public Health and Social Services (PHSS) was notified of two influenza-related deaths in Thurston County residents. To date, there have been 31 influenza-related deaths reported by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) during the 2023-2024 influenza season, including one child. 

Individuals who get sick with flu symptoms should stay home and avoid contact with others, except to get medical care. While most people with flu have mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral medications, certain people are at increased risk of serious complications including young children, people 65 and older, pregnant people, and people with certain medical conditions. People in these higher-risk groups are recommended to contact their healthcare provider if they develop flu symptoms. 

Every year hundreds of thousands of people in the United States are hospitalized from flu-related illnesses. Influenza-like illness activity in Washington is currently high. Monitor Thurston County respiratory illness trends at, and for more information on how to protect yourself from influenza please visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Washington State Department of Health

In addition to the flu vaccine, there are several things you and your family can do to lower your risk of illness and spread of all respiratory viruses: 

  • Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds with sudsy soap in warm water, or with hand sanitizer if soap and water is not convenient.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose where germs like to enter.
  • Stay home when you’re sick (even if it is “just a cold”) and isolate sick household members in separate rooms. 
  • Wear a mask in crowded or poorly ventilated settings.
  • Limit the number of close contacts for young infants and individuals with certain chronic conditions.
  • Clean high-touch surfaces frequently with a cleaner that is known to kill these common viruses.


Public Health and Social Services
Press Release

Questions and inquiries regarding News Release content should be directed to the Thurston County Public Information Officer:  

Meghan Porter


Anna Rhoads
