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Thurston County, Washington

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What’s Your Vision for Thurston County’s Future? Take the Survey!


Maya Teeple, Senior Planner, Community Planning and Economic Development, (360) 545-2593 or email at

OLYMPIA –Thurston County is excited to announce the launch of the county’s Comprehensive Plan Update, Thurston 2045! Share your vision and plan for the future of the county by taking a quick survey. Tell us what’s most important to you over the next 20 years. 

Take the Survey Online

If you have children, get them involved and have them take the survey too; after all, it’s their future! The survey is available today through Wednesday, Nov. 30.


Thurston County is starting a multi-year review of its comprehensive plan, also known as the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update, which is due in June of 2025. This plan, "Thurston 2045", will set the vision for Thurston County's next 20 years. The Comprehensive Plan guides future land use, housing, economic development, population and employment growth, natural resource protection, construction projects, and provides policies that will guide development over the coming years. You can learn more about Thurston 2045 on the project webpage.


Board of County Commissioners
Press Release