Pet Waste
Free Pet Waste Stations
Thurston County Water Planning offers free Pet Waste Pick-Up Stations to qualifying neighborhoods and schools.
Pet Waste Stations include:
- "Don't Let Your Pooch Pollute" sign.
- Heavy-duty bag dispenser.
- First set of pet waste bags.
Fill out an application for a Pet Waste Station!
Free Leash Pet Waste Bag Dispenser
This handy pet waste bag dispenser* conveniently attaches to your dog's leash so you are always prepared to "bag it and trash it" even when you're on the go! The dispensers include a free set of pet waste bags. Refills for the dispenser can be purchased at many area pet and grocery stores.
If you are a resident of unincorporated Thurston County, you can pick up a free dispenser at the Thurston County Water Planning office.
*Name and address required to verify residency. Residents of Lacey, Olympia or Tumwater can pick up free dispensers at their city hall buildings and may apply for free pet waste stations from their cities. Visit Stream Team's website for more info.
Did you know?
A single gram of dog poop (about the size of a single green pea) can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria. That's almost twice as much compared to human waste! If left on the ground, even a small amount of dog poop can be carried by stormwater runoff and pollute our local waters, causing shellfish harvesting and swimming closures.
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