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Thurston County, Washington

The content on the Thurston County website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Translation” for approximately 10 languages. The goal of the translation is to provide visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. The translations do not translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology.

GeoData Center

Do you have permitting questions like...


  • Where can I Build a Fence? Or a New Barn?
  • Do I have to go through the Gopher Review Process?
  • Will the wetland on my property affect my plans?


Contact the Permitting Department for your jurisdiction with any permitting questions.


Don't know which jurisdiction your property is located in? Use the Permitting Map to find out.

Have non-permitting questions? View Thurston County Elected Offices and Departments  to determine which department/office you should contact for specific information.