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Thurston County, Washington

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March 12, 2024 Presidential Primary

Here you will find the schedules for Logic and Accuracy Test, Election Results, Random Audit, Risk Limiting Audit, and Canvassing Board Meetings.

Pre-Election Logic and Accuracy Tests

Logic and Accuracy Testing (RCW 29A.12.130, WAC 434-335-280, WAC 434-335-520)

  • This test is done publicly to demonstrate the accuracy of tabulation equipment.
  • Marked ballot test deck, with pre-determined results verifies accuracy of the scanning, tabulation, and reporting systems.
  • All scanners are tested. 
  • All precincts are tested.
    • 1st response for all precincts marked once
    • 2nd response must have total of 2 votes per race/measure
    • Continue – 3 votes for third response, 4 votes for fourth response continuing the pattern for all of the response positions including the response position for write-ins when a write-in response position is present
  • Each test deck will include a
    • Overvote for each race or measure
    • Blank ballot
    • Ballot marked with ExpressVote and on-demand printer (if being used)
  • The Logic and Accuracy Test is held at:

Ballot Processing Center
2905 29th Avenue SW, Suite F 
Tumwater, WA 98512 

​Logic and Accuracy Test Dates

Accessibility Voting Unit L&A Testing
Monday, February 26, 2024
Testing begins 9:00 a.m. and continues until finished.
​L&A Tabulation Testing
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
9:00 a.m.


Results Posting Schedule

Results are unofficial until certification. Schedule is subject to change depending on the volume of ballots.

Tuesday, March 12 8:30 p.m.
March 13 - 15 5:00 p.m.
March 18 - 21 5:00 p.m.
March 22 12:00 p.m.

Post Election Audits

Random and Risk-Limiting Audits 

Random Audit (RCW 29A.60.170, 185)

  • A post-election random audit is conducted to ensure that the tabulation system is counting ballots accurately.
  • Three precincts are chosen at random.
  • One race or measure is selected for the audit.
  • The ballots are run through the scanners and a report is printed from the tabulation system with the results.
  • The results are placed into an envelope and sealed.
  • The ballots are then hand counted for the specified race/measure to ensure they match the machine count.

Why do we do this?

  • A post-election random audit ensures the accuracy of the tabulation system.

The post-election random audit is held at:

Ballot Processing Center
2905 29th Avenue SW, Suite F 
Tumwater, WA 98512 

Random Audit Date

March 14, 2024  ​9:00 a.m.

Risk-Limiting Audit (RCW 29A.60.185, WAC 434-261-116, WAC 434-261-117)

  • This post-election audit is conducted to ensure the accuracy of the election results.
  • A race or measure is chosen at random by the Office of the Secretary of State.
  • A list of how the tabulation equipment read the ballots is entered into the Arlo software program, which generates a list of ballots to review.
  • The ballots are pulled from secure storage, and their response for the chosen race or measure are entered into the Arlo program.
  • Arlo compares how the tabulation equipment read the ballot against how their response is marked.
  • The audit is passed when enough ballots have been compared to ensure the accuracy of the election results.

Why do we do this?

  • In addition to our other tests and audits, it is another way to ensure the accuracy of the election results.

The risk-limiting audit is held at:

Ballot Processing Center
2905 29th Avenue SW, Suite F 
Tumwater, WA 98512 

Risk-Limiting Audit Date

Wednesday, March 20 9:00 a.m.

Canvassing Board

​The three-member Canvassing Board (RCW 29A.60.140) is comprised of the county auditor, the county prosecuting attorney, and the chair of the Board of County Commissioners or their designees.

Responsibilities of the Canvassing Board include:

  • Certifying elections
  • Determining the validity of provisional ballots
  • Determining voter intent
  • Ruling on voter registration challenges

Canvassing Board Meetings (RCW 29A.60.140, 200)

Meeting schedule is subject to change. Meetings may be convened remotely if warranted. Contact our office for more information. 

Date Time Location Agenda
March 15, 2024 9:00 a.m. Ballot Processing Center
2905 29th Ave SW
Ste F
Tumwater, WA 98512
Canvass ballots for the March 12, 2024 Presidential Primary
March 21, 2024 9:00 a.m. Ballot Processing Center
2905 29th Ave SW
Ste F
Tumwater, WA 98512
Canvass ballots for the March 12, 2024 Presidential Primary
March 22, 2024 10:00 a.m. Ballot Processing Center
2905 29th Ave SW
Ste F
Tumwater, WA 98512
Certify the results of the March 12, 2024 Presidential Primary