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Thurston County, Washington

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The Thurston Climate Mitigation Collaborative (TCMC) is a consortium of four local government partners (Thurston County, City of Lacey, City of Olympia, and City of Tumwater) that are working together to significantly reduce regional greenhouse gas emissions and achieve mutually adopted communitywide emissions reduction goals. The TCMC provides a mechanism through which the jurisdictions can learn, explore, collaborate, incubate, coordinate, and communicate policies and best practices that the Parties can decide to advance collectively or singularly. 

The TCMC is made up of Jurisdiction Parties, an Executive Committee, a Staff Team, and a Community Advisory Workgroup. Roles and Responsibilities of each group are defined in the 2023 TCMC Interlocal Agreement and accompanying Regional Implementation Guidance

To receive email updates from the TCMC, please contact Dan Dickerman at Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC):

Executive Committee Meetings

The TCMC Executive Committee is comprised of one elected official from each of the four Jurisdiction Parties. The Executive Committee meets quarterly to share information on local climate mitigation activity, review progress toward achieving emissions targets, and build partnerships to support implementation of the Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan (TCMP). The Executive Committee identifies regional initiatives for consideration by the Jurisdictions and makes recommendations to the Jurisdictions on amendments to the TCMP. 

Executive Committee Members:

Olympia City Councilmember Lisa Parshley, Chair
Lacey City Councilmember Carolyn Cox
Tumwater City Councilmember Eileen Swarthout
Thurston County Commissioner Emily Clouse

Community Advisory Workgroup Meetings

The TCMC Community Advisory Workgroup (CAW) is comprised of up to 15 interested community members representing a variety of perspectives on climate mitigation actions. Members are appointed by the Staff Team for three-year terms or on a rolling basis to fill vacancies. The CAW meets regularly (up to 12 times a year) to provide community perspectives and feedback on climate mitigation progress and priorities to the Jurisdiction Parties, Staff Team, and Executive Committee. 

CAW Members: Amita Devarajan, Candace Penn, Courtney Cecale, Jolie Song, Juan Haeckermann-Godoy, Kim Piper, Lauren Tamboer, Mackenzie McCall, Matthew Landers, Rachel Hastings, Shannon Sipher, Stephan Bernath, Tierra Bonds, Tom Crawford, and Wendy Moudy

2024 Annual Retreat

The TCMC Annual Retreat is a strategic planning session that brings together members of the Thurston Climate Mitigation Collaborative to have deep and meaningful discussions on climate mitigation progress and needs, with an emphasis on strategies that would most benefit from regional coordination.

  • Date: April 15, 2024
  • Time: 4:00-8:00pm
  • Location: Olympia City Hall Council Chambers, 601 4th Ave E, Olympia, WA 98501

Staff Team Meetings

The TCMC Staff Team is comprised of the climate program staff from each of the Jurisdiction Parties. The Staff Team meets on a regular basis to share information on the climate mitigation activities of individual jurisdictions and actively facilitate cross-jurisdictional coordination on TCMP implementation. Staff members bring back information and recommendations from and to the decision-making bodies in their individual Jurisdiction Parties.

Staff Team Members: 

City of Lacey: Linsey Fields,
City of Olympia: Dr. Pamela Braff,
Thurston County: Rebecca Harvey,
City of Tumwater: Alyssa Jones Wood,