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Thurston County, Washington

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Board of County Commissioners

About the Thurston County Council on Racial Equity and Inclusion

On December 14, 2021, the Board of Commissioners (BoCC) approved Resolution No. 16097, establishing the Thurston County Council on Racial Equity and Inclusion. This resolution supports Resolution No.15995 which declared Racism a Crisis in Thurston County and the Board of Health (BoH) Proclamation of Racism as a Health Crisis in Thurston County, both adopted on March 9, 2021.   

The purpose of the council is to advise and engage the BoCC, BoH, and elected and appointed officials on matters of racial equity and inclusion within all county services and the policies, processes, and practices used to accomplish the mission of Thurston County government.

The Council’s responsibilities include, and are not limited to:

  • Recommendations for strategies to increase access for BIPOC residents and to reduce barriers to county services and resources.  
  • Identifying opportunities to increase the participation of underrepresented BIPOC community members in the development and implementation of county government ordinances, regulations, policies, and programs.
  • Providing input to BoCC, BoH, and elected and appointed officials, county employees and volunteers to develop and implement a county Racial Equity Action Plan, including future updates and modifications, and other efforts aimed at creating a more equitable community.
  • Providing input to the BoCC, BoH, and elected and appointed officials to conduct a regular reoccurring community assessment to understand the current state of diversity, equity, and inclusion as experienced by county residents.
  • Serving as a facilitating form to hear from community partners about the needs and priorities of local BIPOC communities to support meaningful use and action by Thurston County.

The council meets on the fourth Thursday of every month. 

Council on Racial Equity and Inclusion Bylaws

The Council is currently accepting applications! 

The Racial Equity Council can have up to 15 members. We currently have vacant positions on the council and are looking for residents throughout Thurston County who have a passion for engaging in diversity, equity, and inclusion work. Please complete the application below if you are interested. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Racial Equity Program Manager, Devi Ogden, at

Council on Racial Equity and Inclusion BoCC Application

Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes