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Thurston County, Washington

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Community Planning and Economic Development

BAR Holdings (Salish Landing) UGA Swap, Land Use Amendment, and Rezone is an applicant-initiated proposal to amend and adjust the Tumwater UGA. The project applicant is requesting to remove 18 parcels (+/-46 acres) located within the Tumwater UGA and rezone from Single Family Residential (SFL), Heavy Industrial (HI), and Greenbelt (GB) to Rural Residential Resource 1/5 (RRR 1/5). The project applicant is requesting to add 3 parcels (+/-65 acres) to the Tumwater UGA and rezone from Rural Residential Resource 1/5 (RRR 1/5) to General Commercial (GC), Mixed Use (MU), and Light Industrial (LI).

The proposed UGA swap, land use amendment, and rezone is below:

Map of parcels and their zoning that are proposed to be removed or added to the Tumwater UGA


The project applicant is requesting removing the following parcels from the Tumwater UGA and rezoning them accordingly.

Parcel Number Current Zoning Proposed New Zoning
12829320200 HI RRR 1/5
12829340501 SFL RRR 1/5
12829340301 SFL RRR 1/5
12829320104 RRR 1/5, SFL RRR 1/5
12829320103 RRR 1/5, SFL RRR 1/5
12829320102 RRR 1/5, SFL RRR 1/5
12829320100 RRR 1/5, SFL RRR 1/5
12829340401 SFL RRR 1/5
12829340900 GB, SFL RRR 1/5
12829340700 SFL, GB RRR 1/5
12829340500 GB, SFL RRR 1/5
12829340600 GB, SFL RRR 1/5
12829340300 GB, SFL RRR 1/5
12832210200 GB, SFL RRR 1/5
12832210300 GB, SFL RRR 1/5
12832210202 SFL, GB RRR 1/5
12832210201 SFL RRR 1/5
12832210100 SFL RRR 1/5

The project applicant is requesting adding the following parcels to the Tumwater UGA and rezoning them accordingly.

11719220101 RRR 1/5 GC, MU
11719210100 RRR 1/5 LI
11719240302 RRR 1/5 LI


In 2022, Washington enacted new legislation (ESSB 5593) adds a provision allowing counties to consider changes to existing UGA boundaries through means of a “swap.” No UGA swap can result in an increase in the total surface area of a UGA boundary. 

This applicant-initiated project requests to use this UGA swap legislation to bring their parcels into the Tumwater UGA boundary by removing other parcels from within the Tumwater UGA. 


Anticipated Timeline


Open House


Open house

Open House Materials 


Planning Commission Review


Planning Commission will review the BAR Holdings UGA Swap, Land Use Amendment, and Rezone.

Meeting Materials | YouTube Video


Planning Commission Public Hearing


Planning Commission public hearing to accept public testimony on the BAR Holdings UGA Swap, Land Use Amendment, and Rezone.

Meeting Materials | YouTube Video


Urban Growth Management Subcommittee Review


The Boundary Review Board, facilitated by Thurston Regional Planning Council, will review and provide a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners.

Meeting Materials | YouTube Video


Board of County Commissioners


BoCC review of the Planning Commission recommendation on the BAR Holdings UGA Swap, Land Use Amendment, and Rezone.

Meeting Materials | YouTube Video


Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing


BoCC public hearing to accept public testimony on the BAR Holdings UGA Swap, Land Use Amendment, and Rezone.

Meeting Materials | YouTube Video

Public Participation Opportunity

Thank you for your interest in the BAR Holdings UGA Swap, Land Use Amendment, and Rezone. If you would like to participate in the public process or review existing comments submitted on the project, please visit the links below:

BAR Holdings Comment Form

Interactive Public Comment Viewer (50 latest comments)

Interactive Public Comment Viewer (All comments received)

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