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Thurston County, Washington

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District Court


The Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) provides a complete set of garnishment forms which may be viewed or downloaded.

Garnishment Forms (this link will take you to the AOC website)

In using these forms, the following information is provided by the Administrative Office of the Courts:


June 6, 2000

TO: Public

FROM: Merrie Gough, Legal Analyst


This Garnishment Forms packet includes reproductions of the forms found in Chapter 6.27 RCW and other forms authorized by Chapter 6.27 RCW and other relevant chapters of the Revised Code of Washington. An exception is WPF GARN 01.0570, Notice to Defendant of Non-Responsive Exemption Claim, which is based upon local court rule and can only be used in counties that have enacted a local court rule that authorizes the procedure reflected in the form. (See NOTE ON USAGE: NOTICE TO DEFENDANT OF NON-RESPONSIVE EXEMPTION CLAIM.)

Please note that the Garnishment Forms packet contains several alternate forms. There is a separate form for a Writ of Garnishment for debts other than earnings and for a Writ of Garnishment for continuing lien on earnings. There is a separate form for an Answer to Writ of Garnishment for debts other than earnings and for an Answer to Writ of Garnishment for continuing lien on earnings. There is a separate form for a Satisfaction of Judgment against garnishee, a Satisfaction of Judgment against defendant and a Partial Satisfaction of Judgment against defendant(s). You may use the WPF GARN 01.0500, Exemption Claim, or the WPF GARN 01.0550, Claim of Exemption, to claim an exemption from garnishment. Please refer to Chapter 6.27 RCW to confirm that you are using the correct forms or consult with a lawyer.