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Thurston County, Washington

The content on the Thurston County website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Translation” for approximately 10 languages. The goal of the translation is to provide visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. The translations do not translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology.

Public Health and Social Services

Incoming complaint on a property

Incoming complaint

Same property after clean-up.

 Same property after clean-up

What is the Solid Waste Program About? 

  • Protect public health, safety, and welfare and prevent pollution of land, air, and water
  • Preserve the County's natural, economic, and energy resources while providing an aesthetically pleasing and nuisance free environment.
  • Carry out regulatory activities authorized by the solid waste handling regulations, known as Article V of the Thurston County Sanitary Code.
  • Promoting and enforcing proper disposal of residential and business waste
  • Permitting and oversight of solid waste handling facilities.

Types of Violations

  • If the property is located in unincorporated Thurston County, or one of the urban growth areas, we will begin our complaint response process.  
    • If the concern is located within one of our city or town jurisdictions, we will contact corresponding representatives to discuss a joint approach, if necessary, or just refer the concern. 

What is a violation: 

  • Improper accumulation and storage of solid waste on private property is a violation 
  • This includes; household garbage, yard debris, demolition and construction waste, abandoned vehicles, and more

What we can do:

  • Submit a request via the report page if the issue is located in unincorporated Thurston County
  • We will attempt to work with the occupants/owners at the corresponding violation to resolve the issue.
  • If consistent progress is NOT observed and documented, we will escalate our enforcement, which can include monetary fines and prosecution


Garbage Example 2

Unfortunately, you may be responsible for dealing with illegal dumping on your property

  • If the litter is on the public right-of-way (ROW) submit a public works request form
  • If the litter is on private property, we can assist in potentially finding who was responsible
Illegal Dumping
If you do NOT have a title for a junk vehicle then check... 
If the vehicle is in the public right of way, submit a public works request form
If the vehicle is on your property submit a CPED compliance form 

Junk Vehicle Criteria

A junk vehicle meets three of the criteria below:

  • It is extensively damaged
  • It is apparently inoperable
  • It is 3-years-old or older
  • Its fair market value is equal to the scrap value.
A vehicle in disrepair that qualifies as a junk vehicle

All solid waste must be disposed of properly according to Thurston County Article V 

You are not allowed to burn solid waste under any circumstance

Materials you are NOT permitted to burn: 

  • Garbage
  • Dead Animals
  • Petroleum, paints, and rubber products
  • Plastics
  • Cardboard
  • Treated, or processed wood
  • Construction debris
  • Metal
  • Any substance which when burned releases toxic emissions, dense smoke, or obnoxious odors

If you would like to submit a complaint for improper burning please visit ORCAA's page

Someone burning trash piles on their property

Helpful Resources

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Permitting and Facilities

If you are considering opening a new (or modifying an existing) solid waste handling facility or mineral extraction/asphalt production location within Thurston County, please consult with our office as well as the corresponding planning/development department for the jurisdiction where the facility is proposed to be (or is currently) located for further guidance.

Mineral Extraction and Asphalt Facilities are regulated under Thurston County Code of Ordinances Chapter 17.20 – “Mineral Extraction and Asphalt Production.” and Thurston County Code of Ordinance:  Title 20 - Zoning.

Visit Thurston County Community Planning and Economic Development department for information in unincorporated Thurston County

For Olympia city limits visit City of Olympia Code Enforcement

Within Lacey city limits visit City of Lacey Code Enforcement

For Tumwater city limits visit City of Tumwater Code Compliance and Enforcement 

Within Yelm city limits visit Yelm Planning and Building Code Enforcement

If you have any questions regarding gravel mine registration, contact our department. 

Any solid waste disposal site or facility in Thurston County shall obtain a permit, permit exemption or permit deferral from the Thurston County Health Department and the facility will not be substantially altered, expanded or improved until the county issues the appropriate permit, permit exemption or permit deferral. 

The owner or operator of all solid waste facilities subject to Article V – Rules and Regulations of the Thurston County Board of Health Governing Solid Waste shall:

  • Design, construct, operate, and close all facilities in a manner that does not pose a threat to human health or the environment;
  • Comply with Chapter 90.48 RCW, Water Pollution Control and implementing regulations, including Chapter 173-200 WAC, Water Quality Standards for Ground Waters of the State of Washington;
  • Conform to the approved local comprehensive solid waste management plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 70.95 RCW, Solid Waste Management – Recovery and Recycling, and / or the local hazardous waste management plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 70.105 RCW, Hazardous Waste Management;
  • Not cause any violation of emission standards or ambient air quality standards at the property boundary of any facility and comply with Chapter 70.94 RCW, Washington Clean Air Act; and
  • Comply with all other applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.

If you have any questions regarding permitting of solid waste handling facilities, mineral extraction and/or asphalt facilities, contact our department.

Contact the Solid and Hazardous Waste Program at: 360-867-2664 or email us at if you have additional questions.