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Thurston County, Washington

The content on the Thurston County website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Translation” for approximately 10 languages. The goal of the translation is to provide visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. The translations do not translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology.

Public Health and Social Services

female couple holding baby in kitchen


Prioritizing parent mental health is essential for fostering a nurturing and stable home environment. Thurston County is here for you and your mental health needs as a new parent.


Support Your Mental Health

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help

Sunshine Flyer
  1. Don’t invite yourself over! It’s common to give new parents space for the first 4-6 weeks after they get home from the hospital.
  2. Bring something! You are not obligated to bring something, but it will probably be appreciated if you bring a meal without the expectation of staying and holding the newborn.
  3. Give parents a break. Ask if they are comfortable with you holding the baby while they take a shower or eat something. Some parents may not have anyone to hold the baby- don’t take it personally!
  4. Remember siblings. Offer to take the older children for a few hours so the new parents can have time to do things like sleep and shower.
  5. Offer specific, practical help. You can do this by offering to fold their laundry, going to the grocery store for them, or taking their dog for a walk.
  6. Keep visits short and sweet. If you plan on visiting, show up on time and only plan to stay for 30 minutes.

Contact our Maternal Child Health Program at (360) 867-2500 or email if you have additional questions.