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Thurston County, Washington

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Public Health and Social Services

The Family Intervention Nurse program is a free program for parents of infants in Thurston County. This program helps families who are in the postpartum period up to the child's first year of life.  Parents in the program receive home visits by a nurse with specialized training. The Family intervention nurse program can help support you in health goals you have for yourself and your infant. 

Mother holding infant for female nurse to examine




Who can enroll in the program?

Any individual who meets all qualifications below: 

  • A Thurston County resident. 
  • Parent or guardian of an infant under 1 year old (exceptions can be made at times if child is older than one).
  • In need of support around mental health or substance use.

A public health nurse will help you:

  • Have a healthy infant.
  • By supporting you in your parent role.
  • Build a strong network of support for you and your baby.
  • Make your home a safe place for your baby to live and play.
  • Get referrals for healthcare, childcare, job training and other support services available in Thurston County.
  • Find ways to continue your education and develop job skills.
  • Set goals to your family's future and find ways to help you reach them.

How much does the program cost?

This program is at no cost to all eligible individuals.


Contact our Nurse-Family Partnership Program at (360)-968-4037 or email if you have additional questions.