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Thurston County, Washington

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The Up Castle Land Use & Rezone Amendment or CP-19 is a docketed citizen initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment that would amend the land use plan and change the land use designation from Rural Residential/Resource—One Dwelling Unit Per Five Acres (RRR 1/5) to Rural Resource Industrial (RRI) and rezone appropriately. Included within in this request is an amendment to the RRI zoning district standards in Title 20 that would broaden the locational and performance criteria for industrial uses.

Rural Resource Industrial District (RRI) zoning districts are intended provide areas where industrial activities and uses that are dependent upon agriculture, forest practices and minerals may be located. The district also allows such uses that involve the processing, fabrication, wholesaling and storage of products associated with natural resource uses.

The proposal includes two (2) contiguous parcels located at 5505 & 5641 222nd Avenue SW at the southern border of Thurston County with Lewis County. The properties are located in between Interstate 5 / Tacoma Railroad train tracks to the east and Puget Sound & Pacific Railroad train tracks to the west. \

​Understanding the Process

The Growth Management Act (GMA) requires that all comprehensive plan amendments be considered by the governing body concurrently so the cumulative effect of the various proposals can be ascertained. The Up Castle Land Use & Rezone Amendment will follow the typical planning process which involves review, public hearing and recommendation by the Planning Commission, SEPA environmental analysis, and then review and public hearing by the Board of County Commissioners. All comprehensive plan amendments will return to the Board at the end of the year in a consolidated package for a final cumulative review and action.



The Up Castle land use and rezoning amendment from RRR 1/5 to RRI, was not included on the Official Docket. On March 3, 2022, the Board provided a preliminary direction, 2-1, to keep your proposal on the preliminary docket, meaning that it may be taken up in a future docket cycle. That direction was affirmed on March 15, 2022, adopting the dockets.


​Public Participation Opportunity 

Thank you for your interest in the CP-19 - Up Castle Land Use & Rezone Amendment docket item. The Board of County Commissioners has placed CP-19 on the preliminary docket and subsequently, public comment is now closed.


​Document Center

Proposed Code Change to Title 20:

CP-19 - BoCC Staff Proposed Ordinance - Up Castle

CP-19 - BoCC Applicant Proposed Ordinance 10/23/2021 - Up Castle

Board of County Commissioners:


Planning Commission:

Public Comment (Updated at 4PM on November 4, 2021):

CP- 19 - Public Comment Matrix Full Catalog - Up Castle.pdf

Application Material:

CP-19 - Application - Up Castle

CP-19 - Sign SEPA Checklist - Up Castle