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Thurston County, Washington

The content on the Thurston County website is currently provided in English. We are providing the “Translation” for approximately 10 languages. The goal of the translation is to provide visitors with limited English proficiency to access information on the website in other languages. The translations do not translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. The translations are made through an automated process, which may not result in accurate or precise translations, particularly of technical and legal terminology.

Public Health and Social Services

Requests for Proposals & Requests for Information

Thurston County’s Office of Housing and Homeless Prevention Request for Proposals and Request for Information

New! Request for Proposals - Rent Assistance Payment Support

Thurston County’s Office of Housing and Homeless Prevention (OHHP) is requesting proposals from agencies and organizations to provide rent payment support for single-adults clients of the Eviction Prevention Rent Assistance program. Applications due by 12:00 p.m. June 21, 2024.

Download Request for Proposals

Submit applications and inquiries to: Keylee Marineau, Homeless Response Manager, (360) 490-5910 

Grantee Information

Grantee Guides

Guide to Preparing Invoices for Thurston County Office of Housing & Homeless Prevention (2023-2024 Fiscal Year)


2024-2025 Grantee Orientation 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The expectation is that grantees will attend in-person, however a virtual option will be available. The Grantee Orientation will be held in room 107B & C at the Public Health and Social Services Department 412 Lilly Rd NE Olympia. Virtual attendance on Zoom at:

The meeting is intended for program managers and fiscal staff. Each agency is expected to have at least one staff member attend this orientation. If your agency is unable to attend, please contact OHHP at to let us know and to make alternate arrangements. 

Contact the Office of Housing and Homeless Prevention division at 360-867-2500 if you have additional questions.